Make Your Home or Business In Fredricksburg Shine

If you want services you can trust, why not use a neighbor? At Ultimate Powerwash in Fredericksburg, that’s exactly what you’ll get. We’re power and pressure washing professionals who want to make our hometown shine.

  • We’ll make your deck and patio look so new, the rest of the neighborhood will wonder how you did it
  • We’ll bring back the original hue of your wooden features
  • We’ll help increase your property values
  • We’ll make your storefront shine and your outdoor seating areas more inviting
  • We can take years of dirt and grime off in what will seem like no time

Power washing is our passion at Ultimate Powerwash, and with the help of Fredericksburg and the surrounding area, we aim to become the best-known power washing business in Virginia. With us, you get competent professional power washers who handle their work with detail and care. We know that you have other power washing options, but time and time again people have seen what can happen with amateur power washers — there is often damage to the property and in some serious cases, injury to the user or others.

When used correctly, however, power and pressure washing can work wonders on your home and exterior features. There’s really no other option that will help you clean your exterior, take years off your home, and increase your curb appeal as fast as a thorough and careful power washing. If you do decide that you’d like to use our services, there are a few things we’d like to be informed of before we start the job:

  • What wooden features have been coated with, if anything
  • If there are any electrical features around your exterior that we should be aware of in order to prevent damage to the system and the washer
  • If there’s any detection of dry rot on your wooden features, because power washing could speed this up
  • If any of what we’ll be power washing has been recently painted

If you’d like to have your residential or commercial property power or pressure washed and you’re in Fredericksburg or the surrounding area, then we want to have your business. We serve the Northern Virginia area from Fredericksburg up to Alexandria and as far west as Fairfax. If you’re in the area or wonder if we’d be able to come somewhere outside of this range then give us a call!